I got this massive Swiss spruce from my friend Andy. The tree was collected by Serge Clemence and he did the first styling on it.
When I got it in my workshop we started cleaning the branches and we made some shari where the trunk was already dead. This shari gives the tree much more character and take’s away the viewer’s attention from the first part of the trunk that is quite straight.
After that the tree, was repotted because was it so long in the same big pot . Nothing is cutted on the root ball just a couple of big old roots were carved a bit to make the repot in the new tokoname easier.
Now is time for the restyling .
We need to make as much green pads as we can in the left to cut the straight movement of the trunk with some green masses and bring the focus to the top shari and to the nice twisted jins that are on the right .
Here a couple of final images of the tree with the guys that always help me working. Now the tree is more dynamic and the dead part has much more focus than the trunk . Next year we’ll work with the new vegetation in making more dense pads.