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  50. It’s funny goodluck finasteride normon 1 mg The all-powerful NBA competition committee has a couple of new members. New Toronto president Masai Ujiri and Spurs GM R.C. Buford have been picked to sit on the nine-man board, which has the authority to consider and recommend rules changes. Buford replaces Utah’s Kevin O’Connor , while Ujiri takes over the spot held by former Raptors president Bryan Colangelo , who last week was stripped of his basketball decision-making powers and stepped down after seven seasons to be a team consultant. New Clippers VP and coach Doc Rivers gets to stay on the committee, despite leaving the Celtics. The committee will also name a replacement for former Memphis coach Lionel Hollins . Former Nets GM Kiki Vandeweghe , recently hired by the league to work in several departments, will be an adviser. … From Hakeem Olajuwon to Nemanja Nedovic : Moments after making his final pick as commissioner — announcing that Suns had taken Nedovic with the 30th selection — David Stern was joined on stage in Barclays Center by Olajuwon, the first pick in Stern’s first draft as commissioner in 1984. Olajuwon appeared in a tuxedo, similar to the one he wore when he was the No. 1 pick of the Rockets. “I wanted to be here for your final pick,” Olajuwon said. “Thank you for an amazing 30 years. All you have done for the league and the players, thank you.” Stern made his picks while hearing more boos than ever. At one point, during a lull, he deadpanned: “Stop it, you’re ruining all the fun.” … Josh Smith , one of the top free agents after Howard and Chris Paul , is a top candidate to wind up in Boston via a sign-and-trade. The Celtics nearly got him in the past in trades with the Hawks and are looking to pair him with his former AAU teammate, Rajon Rondo . … The Jazz is expected to choose keeping Paul Millsap over fellow free-agent Al Jefferson . That’s a mistake because Jefferson can do more, but Millsap will come cheaper. … Once Atlanta is rebuffed by Howard, watch the Hawks make a run at Jefferson, especially once Smith is out the door. … The Bucks can pay J.R. Smith $25 million over three years, plus promise the Knicks’ Sixth Man Award winner a starting job as they go shopping for a replacement for Monta Ellis , who is all but assured of opting out of his final season at $11 million. Those two factors will top the Knicks in both departments. The Knicks are intent to keep Smith in his current bench role and their best offer on a three-year deal is likely around $18 million. … The Mavs are another team that figures to have wads of money available if they strike out on Howard. Ellis could then score a major deal from the Dallas. Dallas is in dire need of a point guard and although Ellis is more of a combo playmaker-shooting guard, he would fill the bill.

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    Pulling open an enormous hanging cupboard in the corner of her office, she tells me about a woman she’s “helping” at the moment. “She’s one of the biggest women I’ve ever dressed,” she says in the non-judgmental tones of a mathematician faced with a particularly onerous equation. “But look at what I pulled together for her.” Halbreich takes me through her selections: a handful of cashmere jumpers from a British brand, Eskandar, and some roomy but tailored floral dresses; there’s not a plus-size tarpaulin among them. “I’m not gonna lie to you, big women aren’t easy to dress,” she shrugs, “but there are bigger challenges.”

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  838. Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту бытовой техники с выездом на дом.
    Мы предлагаем: сервисные центры по ремонту техники в москве
    Наши мастера оперативно устранят неисправности вашего устройства в сервисе или с выездом на дом!

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